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I continue to buy a product that is kind of annoying to work with. It's what I used to make this spinach and artichoke braid, a plastic baggie of pizza dough. This particular dough is sticky, rubbery and hard to form into any kind of shape, especially a thin shape. It's a little bland, too, which can be beneficial because it allows you to add sweet or savory flavors to it. The trick is that the dough has to be at room temperature, and rest there for a while, in order to be malleable (probably true of most pizza dough). I almost never get it as thin as I want it to be, but my friend shared her technique for getting the dough to work.

She heats a cup of water in the microwave, then pushes the cup to the back of the microwave and puts a bowl of the dough in there with it. She closes the door and leaves it for a while (the microwave is NOT running). (I left it for 2 hours.) When I pulled my dough out, it was a lot more fluid but still sticky, so I floured my hands well, and my work surface, and got to work.

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First things first, though. The dough is in the microwave, coming to room temperature and resting, and I made the filling. I heated some olive oil in a skillet with 1 gently smashed clove of garlic and a few pepper flakes. When the oil was hot and fragrant, I added about 1 1/2 cup frozen chopped spinach. I seasoned with salt and cooked until the spinach was thawed and some of the moisture had cooked away. Then I added 4 chopped artichoke hearts.

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Next I lined a baking sheet with parchment paper and sprinkled it with flour. I preheated the oven to 400F and floured my hands, then poured the rested pizza dough onto the parchment. I pulled and poked the dough into something resembling a rectangle about 14 inches long. (This is where I realized one of those tubes of pizza dough, which just roll out into a perfectly thin rectangle, would work better.) Obviously it doesn't need to be perfect; mine was more of an oval and it worked fine. I spread the filling down the middle, then sprinkled liberally with mozzarella, Parmesan and asiago (I had a shredded cheese blend).

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Next I braided. I used my kitchen shears, which I floured, to cut a kind of fringe on each side of the dough, from the outer edge all the way to the filling. I folded the fringe, 1 piece at a time, over the filling, alternating sides as I went. I brushed the top with egg mixed with a bit of water, then sprinkled salt on top (my dough, remember, is bland). Baked for 20 minutes, until the top had begun to brown. I cut it in slices and ate.

I didn't even try this out on the rest of my family. They would like it if it had mozzarella and cooked Italian sausage in it, but that's not what I made, is it? (I could have, though. This is really versatile.) I liked it a lot, but it was pretty big for one person. (I've had it for lunch one day, breakfast the next and a small slice as a snack, but it's less than half gone.) I've put the remainder in the freezer and maybe I'll update you on how that goes.

More ideas for store-bought pizza dough, found in the refrigerator section (and sometimes the freezer section) of your grocery store:

How to Make Grilled Pizza

Sausage and Pepper Pies

Canadian Bacon and Egg Pizza